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Author Of Best Selling Fantasy Books

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Image by Sjoukje Bos

There are several sub-plots in Song of the Trinity (SOTT) that culminate in the climax and the way the book ends. The presentation is not new. Its been tried before. One
visual example is Star Wars.

Writing Song of the Trinity Series-Behind the scenes

I don’t mean the story, I mean the presentation of the story. Multiple events happen-ing in multiple places, all leading to one climatic end that leads to further beginnings. That’s what I attempted in SOTT. The challenge is to keep the reader vested in all the sub-plots and all the characters. The reviews on blogs, vlogs and on Amazon speak for the book.


Readers have asked me how I managed the complex story telling style.

Writing is a product of reading and observation. If you don’t read, how will you know what you like and if you don’t observe, how else can you develop your characters, their traits, situations and qualms? These are what help an author to flesh out his or
her characters


When I described the walk of the Storm God (Marut is the name given as per scrip- ture), I was inspired by the walk of Mr. Dwayne Johnson (the Rock) and Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. When High Lord Mrihir speaks in a coarse whisper, I was inspired by Mr. Clint Eastwood. Now, it is important to capture ideas.


Image by Dave Reed

Ideas can come from anywhere,
an arguing couple at the airport or rail station, something someone said or did. For in- stance, a friend of mine called a couple of bad guys in Shatru (which is a prequel to SOTT) and in SOTT as ‘virtuous villains’. To deal with the injustice meted out to them, they in turn dealt injustice on others towards what they think is the greater good. Most mentally deranged criminals (not all) come from a background that meted out some form of injustice on them. These villains are inspired by research on how such people react and why they do what they do.


I draw strength from the vast ocean of Indian mythology. I try to read as much as I can and even see snippets on the ancient culture, even if it is on YouTube or Instagram.
Anything and everything helps. Nothing is below my radar. I am but a drop. The knowl- edge before me is an ocean. At least, that’s how I look at it. Indian literature is fantastical because it is dipped in science to a large extent. The ten
avatars of Vishnu is nothing more than the story of evolution from fish to man told so beautifully so the common man may understand it.


Shiva the destroyer is not a de-stroyer of worlds but is the destroyer of the evil inside. Shiva represents involution,
the development of the mind and soul and destruction of egocentricity, the hallmark of a yogi. He is described as the Adi-Yogi, the first yogi. The story of the Avvayaar inspired me to create the Spear Prophecies that is centrifu- gal to SOTT. The curse of the sons of Brahma inspired me to create a guardian for the Broken Tusk which will come up in the next instalment of SOTT.


I am influenced by the writing style of international authors. Its because I chose to be an English writing Indian author. My first inspiration was Mr. Robert Ludlum. He fired the muse in me with his awesome storytelling abilities. I am influenced by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Lee Child and off late, by a brilliant author called Jay Kristoff. There are many more. Song of the Trinity-The Rise of Kali took me eight years to publish after its prequel, Shatru. It was for good reason. It took that much time to design the approach and the outcome. And it took volumes of reading and observation. The best part is-I loved it! Hoping you enjoy reading the book as much as I loved writing it.


Love you guys,


Author Mr. Robert Ludlum.

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