Daily Guardian

Daily Guardian
14 June 2023 at 12:00:00 am
Song of the Trinity' is a book beyond fantasy
🗞 📚 Writing as an agent of change presents realities and mysteries that shake the very core of our BELIEFS.
That is why I wanted to pick up a book that would change my thinking if not society at large.
I wanted to find an author who could weave fact into fiction. Someone who could convey social evils and issues we face through his works.
An author whose works extend beyond fantasy and worlds carved just to attract readers.
Recently, I found the best one!
📚Finding the perfect author
Bommadevara Sai Chandravadhan, popularly known as Vadhan has been recognized as a change-maker for all the right reasons.
Born and brought up in Chennai, living in Gurgaon for the last 18 years, a lawyer by profession, he has written books that have awed readers.
His journey hasn't been a fancy ride but what he has created and crafted through the years is worth applauding.
Finding an author with a diverse background who could add new flavours to my bookshelf was nice!
Do check out his new book 'Song Of Trinity: Rise Of Kali'
📢 📰 📚 In the next edition of my weekly column in 'The Daily Guardian' I talk about 'Song of the Trinity' , author Vadhan
and more...
Do give it a read and let me know how I can get better😊
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