Retirement-What it means to me!
You know, when I first thought of the day I would retire, it was some abstract thing. Like death. One day, it’s going to happen. One day....
In my blog ,I share my journey as an author of 5 best selling books, and provide writing tips and advice for aspiring authors.
Retirement-What it means to me!
Who are Indian Authors Competing With?
Authors for Authors
Ten Years-Two Days-Part 2
Ten Years-Two Days
Not YET another COVID-19 rant!
And the New Year…
Hello Again…Hello
Fear is the Key
Hello after a while
Sense of Honour- A One Minute Story
Krishna V/s Krishna’s army
The Real Me
Ten things to do to be a bestseller!
Publishing Non-Fiction, Risk of Libel
A Literary Lawyer for Authors
A word of Appreciation
The One Minute Story
Are We Independent or Are We Just Free?